Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Did you really just do that?

No time to type. Here is a real issue that I have to vent about, however. Why is it that some people feel it is within in the bounds of good behavior to walk into a conversation and totally just begin with the babble that they feel so inclined to share. This happened to me this morning - again - and it burns me still.
Here's the deal. I was having a great conversation with another teacher this morning when, out of the blue, this "third party" strolls up and impolitely hijacks our chat. She cut off my colleague so rudely so she could dazzle us with her unending wit concerning some parent gripe that neither of us really could give a rat's behind about. So, in a matter of about two seconds, the good time that I was having got flushed out by the irritating sounds of this inconsiderate crow. I wish that - like police officers - ordinary citizens could issue citations for improper merging into a conversation. I know that I would blast through one ticket book quite quickly just around here and I can think of at least two people who would be in a serious financial tailspin after paying the fines I would dish out.
If you are one of the few who read this, please ask yourself: "Am I guilty of this offense?" If so, shut the heck up and wait patiently until the proper pause in the conversation. I read somewhere once that a typical conversation ends within 7 minutes, so bite your tongue and give it a rest. I am sure that your insightful rant will be just as delightful and life changing for us even if it was delivered 4 minutes later.
There. Now I can go on with my day!


  1. Call me the old curmudgeon, but I have always been a proponent of offering a manners class. Now don't get me wrong - we have plenty of respectful and well behaved teachers and students - but there are a number of students who, just as you said in your rant, but right into conversations.

    Just this morning I was talking with a student about their essay when another student walked into the room and assumed - just because they entered the room - that the entire planet revolves around them and they barged right into our conversation!

    I ignored them - as my teachers did to me when I did something like that until I got the hint (kind of like we do with Powers), but that still wasn't good enough.

    Next time, I'll have to simply explain when to and when not to interrupt or at least how to do it politely. But I'm serious when I talk about a class in manners. And talk about real world application!

  2. I am one of these- guilty! Call it impatience.
