Thursday, September 24, 2009

Finding the right tree

Today, I had a better than normal trip into school so I have high hopes that today is going to go well. You see, my 10 mile trip to and from school is the time that I spend doing mental finishing touches on what I need and want to do for the day. I honestly don't know how people can reside so near their place of work! I suppose everyone finds their own personal "me time" but my driving time is perfect because I never have to worry about scheduling it in. My biggest fear about my driving time is the day when someone asks to car pool. Not that I don't enjoy the company of another person, but the last thing I need during my morning drive time is to listen to someone blathering about someone else's life whilst I work my rolodex of witty comments to find another trite reply.

"So, your wife's friend's dog is going to have to go on insulin. I bet that'll be hard for her." UUUUHHHHGGGGG.

Frankly speaking, my daily drive time is mine and I am not willing to give it up.

When I was in college, I had an education professor who told our class that everyone needs to find a place on their commute from work that they would use as a reference point. When approaching that point each day, turn your brain from the pains of the day to other important parts of your life. I found that tree during the first few weeks of my first year and it remains my reference point to this day. If that tree ever finds it's demise and I begin hauling mental baggage home, I don't know what kind of misery my family would be forced to endure. I try REAL hard to keep the negativity of my schedule on the west side of that tree for the betterment of all who live east of it.

It would be nice if more people could have a commute - or even a tree - to find as well. Honestly, the tree doesn't care.

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